Volvo Exc 500 – Excavator Simulator
The Volvo Excavator 500 Simulator features an authentic operator environment with original controls, a high performing motion system and an industrial-grade visualization system. It is designed for simplicity of use and to be as close to reality as possible. The simulator comes with over twenty-five different scenarios that cover the basics of how to operate the Excavator. The operator is guided through starting, stopping and maneuvering the vehicle as well as performing load and dig cycles in diverse real-life environments. The scenarios include both guided lessons and free operation playgrounds. As always, the focus is on getting the most out of the operator and maximizing productivity.
In addition, there are two extensions available, Volvo Demolition and Volvo Pipelayer. Volvo Demolition adds six new scenarios where the operator learns to use different attachments used for deconstructing buildings. Pipelayer, as the name suggests, teaches how to lay pipes and give the operator familiarity with the load management system software (LMS).