EXC Demolition Extension
This add-on application focuses on how to operate using different demolition tools to deconstruct buildings. It comes with six new scenarios to provide a safe environment to learn how to handle tools used for demolition contracts. The scenarios involve tools such as a hydraulic hammer to remove concrete foundations, a shear to cut down steel frames as well as a concrete crusher and sorting grapple.
The Volvo EXC Demolition application is an option, available for all Volvo EXC Simulators.
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Job training at the virtual demolition site
With 6 training scenarios, you will be able to experience most situations that you might experience on a real demolition site. There are training scenarios for
- breaking using a Hydraulic Hammer,
- crushing using a Crusher,
- cutting using a Shears
- sorting using a grapple
- and using the High-reach excavator to cut down the steel frame
For more information on Volvo EXC 500 Demolition application, download the product description

Example of demolition training scenario
Breaking: Break the concrete slab into loose pieces with the Hydraulic Hammer. You need to pay close attention to the breaking angle and the pressure applied to avoid breaking the chisel. However, and this is why this is such a popular training scenario – replacing a broken chisel will take 5 seconds in the simulator, and with no additional cost.